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Thanks To Parents Empowering Parents Group

Writer's picture: Ms. Sayyeda Hall, BA, CPRSMs. Sayyeda Hall, BA, CPRS

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) has several workshops available in our area. These workshops are free and open to the public. Info and registration links will be provided below for anyone interested in participating in these sessions.

Building a Community of Support – Virtual Training Course – Opens Jan 12, 2020 - - Join Diane Cooper-Gould, parent and child advocate, in PEATC’s latest free online self-paced course. This course is designed to help the participant create, connect and grow a community of supportive individuals. These types of supportive communities could provide mutual peer support, community advocacy, education and/or activities for the group. Too often, caretakers and those with complex needs feel isolated and alone. Developing a structured way for connecting with others who understand and share similar challenges and dreams can open a whole new world of friendship and opportunities for all.

In this course, we will cover a step-by-step guide for building a supportive group in person or online, with or without the partnership of an outside organization. We will also cover two case studies and provide resources for the participant to use when building a personal community of support in their own community. The series will also feature a section on troubleshooting and maintaining this type of group over time. There will be opportunities for participants to ask questions of other participants and of the instructor.

Turning 18 in VA: What Individuals at EVERY AGE need to know – Goochland – January 21, 2020 - *This workshop is designed for parents of children with disabilities of ALL ages and will provide many practical tidbits to think about NOW in order to prepare for life after high school.**

Turning 18 is a big deal for all individuals. An 18-year-old is legally considered an adult in Virginia. Therefore, when your child turns 18, he/she is the person that makes legal, financial, medical, and educational decisions in his/her life. For some individuals with disabilities, this will not be an issue. Others may need support. This workshop will share basic information about things that need to be considered as your loved one turns 18.

Disability Benefits: VA’s Medicaid Waivers and SSI – Richmond (Faison Center) – January 22, 2020 –

This workshop is open to individuals with disabilities, their families, educators, and professionals.

Families with special needs children need to have an understanding of government benefits available to them as part of planning a future for their loved one. These benefits can help supplement a person’s income, qualify a person for extra help, and help them receive healthcare and community supports. Navigating the world of disability benefits can be tricky, time consuming and overwhelming. This workshop will help make that process easier. Join us as we discuss in clear understandable language: what are VA’s Medicaid Waivers and what are Social Security benefits, who is eligible, and how do I apply.

Transition University Winter– Online Course – Opens February 16, 2020 - - Transition University will offer a 5-session self-paced online series to help parents/guardians navigate the transition process for their school age child and prepare for the adult world. This course is open to parents, guardians, self-advocates, educators, service providers and community members.

Life is full of transitions. For families of children with disabilities thinking about the future can bring mixed emotions. Some families are just trying to make it through day-to-day challenges and might not feel they have the energy to think about what happens after high school. Others may want to plan for that transition, but are confused by unfamiliar language, complex steps, and the many agencies that may be involved in adult services.

Join us for this FREE 5-week SELF-PACED online course that focuses on providing parent-friendly transition information to help make transition planning easier. This course is designed for parents/caregivers of elementary, middle or high school students that receive special education services, but is open to everyone. The goal is to share factual information on transition services and to help make the transition from school services to the adult services world less confusing.

Topics covered in this course will include:

-What is Transition and Why is it Important?

-Transition Services in the IEP

-Supported Decision Making, Power of Attorney, Guardianship and Age of Majority

-Future planning including Special Needs Trusts, ABLE accounts and Letters of Intent

-Transitioning into Independent Living (employment, further education, housing, etc.)

-Connecting to Your Community and to Adult Services

- and much more

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